Fuñyy realtionship:) The Funniest and Craziest Definitions of Love Love is love. End of story. It’s when you can fart freely around someone. It’s a fairy tale that never ceases to amaze. Love is a game of attrition. It’s when two lovers stay together and bother one another until one of them perishes. It’s the unification of two souls. It’s what our dreams are made of. They say love is in the air. But, I say they’re just adding to the pollution. It’s temporary madness. Love is just a chemical reaction that compels animals to breed. It hits hard and then slowly fades, leaving you stranded in a failing marriage. Break the cycle. Rise above. Focus on science Love is seeing the download time get lower. It’s when public restrooms have 2-ply toilet paper. Or better yet, bidet. Love is like a webpage error. It says 404 not found! It’s when you find someone who has the same wavelength of weirdness as you. It’s buying an extra-thick chocolate milkshake after craving for one the whole day, ...